3 Ways To Complete Your E-Course In Less Time And Data

I recently launched my free course on Udemy. This gave me an insight from my own experience that many students have to wait or stretch their courses to days and weeks in order to complete them. Who is responsible? Data, of course.
At home we’ve installed wifi which gives us unlimited data. But when I’m at hostel, I’ve 1- 1.5 GB internet data on my own and 1 GB data is provided by our college. Though, it is more than enough, but online courses consume more data, which is the bigger problem.
So, today, I’ve come up with a few measures through which you’ll be able to complete your courses faster and while using less data.
I’ve the experience of completing various Udemy courses in One fourth time.

1. Video Quality

You can change your video quality by reaching to the settings, the icon of which is usually the ‘wheel of ship’. There, you’ll find the video quality option as well. Most commonly, the options are 144p, 240p, 360p, 720p and 1440p. The lower the numeral, the lesser would be the quality. And lesser the quality of video you choose, the more data you save. P stands for pixels. However, I suggest you not to use this method, if your course videos involve a lot of text, diagrams and infographics.

2. Speed

Sometimes, the instructor is too slow at teaching. It’s not his fault as he wants his students to understand properly. However, if you want to learn faster, it’s also not your fault either. You can maximize the speed by going to the same settings tab and selecting speed option. You can even slow it. To fast it, there are various options like, 1.25X, 1.5X, 2X.  This would save your time and in return data as well.

3. Skip

If you think that your course involves any such topic that you already know then you can skip it and still mark it completed or save it for later. In this way, this will also save your time and data.

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