7 Tips To Prepare For Your Class 12th Practical Exams

class 12th practicals, how to prepare well for, shiv sangal

Congratulations man! You’ve completed 3/4

1.   Accountancy

The practical left me on an ignominious note about how my practical actually went.
I opted for Computerized Accounting System as my third book of Accountancy. Our teacher was so polite and amicable. She helped me entire year. She supported me very well. When I remember about my school life, she is on the top of the list, though other teachers also left a remarkable imprint on my mind. Not many teachers tell their children about such subjects and instead expect them to follow predefined syllabus only, but she accepted my request after observing my zeal.
Coming back to the point, I was supposed to bring five excel accounts and five access accounts in a CD as my assignment. I did that very well.
At the time of practical, I had to submit one excel account and one access account’s printout to the examiner.
He just asked me briefly, no technical aspect was covered. Soon, the questions asked were moved to Partnership and Company’s account.
The reason I was caught in an ambiguity was that the examiner’s face was expressionless. So I didn’t know what my impression actually was.

Pro Tip-

If you aren’t able to study your third book well, opt for computerized accounting instead. You’ll thank me later.

2.   Business Studies

The same examiner who took our accountancy practical took our Business Studies’ practical as well.
That day he was quite excited. Most of the question were from my file itself. There are various projects at the end of every B.St book. You can opt for any of them. The one I took was, that we had to suppose any product in our mind and do it’s branding.
For example, I supposed a Handwash, named it ‘Harkat’, covered all the legal aspects required. Then composition, USP etc.
It was really fun to make. The same teacher who taught us accountancy took this subject as well.
She made us complete the project by 31st August only, thus saving our time before exams.

Pro Tip-

Make your project with the best of your zeal. Don’t copy, because you’re supposed to know everything about your project. Yes, each and everything. Don’t add unnecessary details if you don’t know about them; you’ll trouble yourself otherwise.
Apart from this, have a good gist about your syllabus as well. If you can’t explain completely, at least know every topic’s outline. If the examiner asks a question you don’t know about, at least start with something rather than just staring.

3.   Economics

Our economics’ practical was way too ordinary. It has nothing special but it’s just a viva.
The examiner just asks from your file which is usually a topic you know very well about. Then questions are asked from your syllabus. A rough paper is usually kept on the desk itself, so if any need arises for you to solve any numerical you might use it.
Don’t feel the need of asking permission to use the paper. While giving answer to any question, you can intensify your impression by drawing any figure or diagram and showing it to the examiner.

Pro Tip-

Carry your pen or pencil with you. Wish the examiner well and thank while leaving. Draw figures to intensify the explanation.

4.   Physical Education

My physical education practical was the most memorable practical, I ever had.
I was so tired of the institutionalized biasness, that my conscience cried out, “You’re not going the right way, Shiv. No more dishonesty.”
I decided in that practical that I won’t lie anymore.
When examiner came up to my turn, he picked up my file and asked, “Umm! Basketball! Do you play it?” as I had written my project on Basketball.
“No.” I said.
“So, why have you written on this topic?” asked he.
“Because my PTI didn’t give me an option to write on Badminton.” I replied.
“Ok, so how much do you play Badminton?”
“I don’t have time right as my twelfth is going on.”
“So, is there any sort of physical activity you do right now?”
“I do morning walk and yoga.”
“Yoga is good, how long do you walk in the morning?”
“I perform yoga for one hour and morning walk is till 3 kms in twenty minutes.”
“But three kilometres in twenty minutes is less. A guy at your age is supposed to do more.”
“I have made no claim that I’m a sporty personality. I just have the zeal to stay fit, that’s why I’m doing all these activities.”
“This was the answer my ears were waiting to listen. You’re quite confident.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Now tell me, which chapter of your Physical Education book, have you prepared very well.”
“Sir, actually I didn’t make it to study the book very deeply as Phy.Ed is my sixth subject.”
“This is no excuse. Then, why did you opt for it if you didn’t want to study?”
“To know basic technicalities of physical health. Suppose, tomorrow, while performing yoga, I get a minor injury, then I must have the right know how to give a first aid to myself.”
“That’s the spirit. Just because of my knowledge of physical education, I haven’t visited doctor since 10 years.”
“That’s great sir.”
“Now you may go and send the next roll number.”
So, this was it.

Pro Tip-

Study well and answer honestly.

The Best Way To Prepare For Your Class 12

1.   Behave Well With The Teachers

Your teachers have at least thirty per cent contribution in determining the marks your external examiner would give you. So, respect them very well.

2.   Be Honest

If you might have read the conversation at the time of the physical education practical, you might understand that life is too beautiful to be wasted with lies. Be honest and straightforward.

3.   Greet the examiner well

You should greet the examiner well. This would leave an impression that you’re decent. Also thank him/her while leaving.

4.   Carry a pen or pencil

Carrying your own stationery would also impress the examiner.

5.   Illustrate

While speaking, if you draw to illustrate, it would also be a good idea.

6.   Don’t Copy Your Project

When you make your Project yourself, you’ve a greater gist over your content. So, don’t copy it. Taking idea from internet is alright. But don’t copy it altogether.

7.   Prepare Well

Read your syllabus’ content well. If you don’t learn it, that’s all okay. But at least, have an idea of what it is.

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