10 Ways To Solve Your Drinking Water’s Taste Problem

The taste of water has always been a big problem for me. I’ve never found the taste of water of anywhere sweeter than my hometown’s. I find mineral water bitter. There’re usually concerns over the tap water of different places. Talking about Delhi, the tap water had yellow tinge in it. Using a water purifier was extremely necessary over there. Now in Dehradun, the quality of water is polluted in a different context. It has high calcium content due to the limestone mining done by Britishers over a century ago.
Being away from home, I had to figure out some ways to make myself habitual of this problem. People at home suggested me to buy mineral water, but it would’ve become a constant fixed expenditure if I did so.
Before proceeding, I must tell you that there’s no substitute for drinking water, now or then, you’ll have to figure something out. But, the tips I’m giving you might ease your progress.

10 Ways To Solve Your Drinking Water Taste Problem

1. Carry Some Water

If you live at a place which is not far from the place whose water’s taste is favorable for you. You can carry the water from there for yourself. For example, I’m able to manage ten liters of water for two weeks in winters. But you must be cautious, after the first week is over, you should boil the water whenever you drink it.
Moreover, ten liters for two weeks is not sufficient is obvious. So, you must, combine it’s consumption with the water of the area in which you reside.

2. Use A Copper or Brass Bottle

You can buy a good copper or brass bottle. It’s proven to kill the pathogens of water. Make sure you clean it properly before and after it rusts. Its rust is green in color. You might even know that Statue Of Liberty is a copper statue but is green in color due to its rust.

3. Boil It Well

You’ll have to do it in summers as well. By boiling, you reduce the hardness of water to some extent. Moreover, the impurities sediment at the bottom.

4. Drink Sherbets, Squashes and Crushes

These days, market is full of various products like fruit and flower flavored Sherbets, Squashes and Sherbets. You can buy and use them to your advantage.

5. Eat Raw Fruits And Vegetables

Sherbets, Squashes and Crushes might work for you but they usually contain many chemicals which might not be good for you. Instead, to fulfill your water requirement, you can consume, fruits and vegetables like cucumber, mangoes, apples, grapes etc. In this way, you’ll also get some fibres to work on your digestion process.

6. Squeeze a Lemon

If you squeeze a lemon, the taste of water might improve. I don’t claim that it is very tasty, but at least it improves the taste of water and makes it worth drinking.

7. Add Rock Salt

Rock Salts are really good for you. You’ll have good skin if you add them to your bathing water, once in a week. You can protect yourself from EMFs by installing a salt water lamp.
Similarly, if you add rock salt in your water, not just it aids your digestion process, it also boosts the taste of water.
I even add rock salt in my water while performing Jal Neti to prevent headaches and drowsiness.

8. Milk

I suggest you not to go after flavored milk; at least not the packed one. If you really want to drink flavored milk, approach any halwai, as what he might serve you could be of better quality.
If you want to get something better, buy the milk yourself and boil it well. Then, without add anything, not even sugar, drink it.

9. Fruits’ and Vegetables’ Juices

If you don’t want to consume fruits and vegetables raw, then you can make juices of them. Even, this is better than market substitutes.

10. Start With One Glass

The tips I mentioned in the above points were just to ease your process. But, this is a fact, that if you really want to be comfortable, you’ve to make yourself habitual. Even, I’m not habitual, still I’m comfortable to some extent by now.
To make yourself habitual, start with one glass everyday. You need to force yourself into it. After that, increase the amount.
Now, since I’m habitual to some extent, I use points 1,2,3 and 10 even till now. Other points are mostly discontinued or I do most of them occasionally.
Ways To Solve Your Drinking Water's Taste Problem, Shiv Sangal, Roorkee, Haridwar, Delhi, Dehradun, Muzaffarnagar

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